Use AI to generate 3D icon from wireframes

Transform your design process with our AI-powered platform. Quickly turn wireframes into high-quality 3D renderings with a single click. Unleash creativity and redefine design boundaries!

Generating 3D graphics


  • sketch

    1.Upload wireframe

    Upload your black and white wireframe in the simplest form and style

  • prompt

    2.Input prompt and generated image

    You can generate directly using keywords. It is recommended to use a wireframe for control. It can generate rendered images that meet the requirements, and then input the number of images to be generated

  • generator picture

    3.Generate 3D renderings

    Use the most advanced AI capabilities to generate images, and it can generate an image in as fast as 3 to 5 seconds

  • download picture

    4.Download image

    Download the pictures you like and use them freely in your projects